
Screen and Display Patent Awarded to Apple, Expected to Reduce Weight of Screens

Though the iPhone is currently the leader in the market for thin, bright displays, a new patent rewarded to the company late ...

WikiLeaks under Massive DDoS Attack, Site Traffic Suffering

WikiLeaks has been the victim of a massive and overwhelming Distributed Denial of Service attack that has left the website exceedingly slow ... Passwords, Email Lists, and Logins Stolen

Diablo and Warcraft creator Blizzard Entertainment suffered an internal network security breach earlier this week, according to a press release. Blizzard indicated that they don’t believe any sensitive information such ...

Copyright Violators, Prepare to Move Down in Rankings on Google

Google has started to turn their search engine into its own personal piracy filter; if your site is flagged multiple times in ...

Apple: Have You Looked at Your Old Designs, Samsung?

In the great debate between Apple and Samsung, Apple has brought forth new evidence that Samsung did indeed copy their designs with ...

170 Million Sales Predicted for the iPhone 5

Next year alone, analysts and enthusiasts alike anticipate over 200 million sales of the iPhone; the iPhone 5 is expected to account ...

Tablets Adored By Owners, Survey Says

A recent report not only vouches for the popularity of tablets, but buyers’ satisfaction with them. Overall, a report from ComScore indicates ...

Groupon Accused of Patent Infringement

Groupon, a large “group coupon” company, was recently accused of violating several patent infringements and was promptly sued. The lawsuit accuses the ...

How to Spice Up Your Meetings

People hate meetings because the people who run them don’t know how to do so properly. Effective meetings aren’t intuitive, and bad ...

One Million Unique Users Visit, Hotmail’s successor, launched early yesterday morning. In less than six hours, the website received over 1 million new signups. Hotmail addresses ...